• Norfolk: 519-426-6170 or 519-582-3579 | Haldimand: 905-318-6623

Welcome to Haldimand & Norfolk Social Services

Several community programs and services are provided to support residents in Haldimand and Norfolk.


Notice to Participants in Ontario Works and Children’s Services Programs

Haldimand and Norfolk Social Services will be using a new system to schedule appointments. This should start in April 2025. People who have provided an email address to these programs will start to receive notices about upcoming appointments and reminders from the email address [email protected]. If these emails do not arrive in your inbox, they may need to be marked as “safe” to prevent them from going into your junk mail. If you prefer to have a paper letter sent to you in regular mail, please let your case manager know and this can be arranged. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your case manager.

In Simcoe

In Dunnville

Ontario Works and Social Assistance Intake Line

In Norfolk 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK, extension 3132

In Haldimand  905-318-6623 ext 3132

Housing and Homeless Prevention Programs

Contact Homeless Intake Line – 519-426-5870 or 905-318-6623 ext 3134

ALL COUNTY BUILDINGS ARE SCENT FREE. All persons visiting our buildings must not use scented body products. Many people have allergies or sensitivities, and may experience severe symptoms and health problems. Thank you for your co-operation.


OW/ODSP Job Seekers’ Experiences with Social Assistance Services Since 2021

Since 2021, the Government of Ontario has introduced a reform called ‘Integrated Employment Services’, which combines support services from Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) with Employment Ontario (EO) to help job seeking OW/ODSP recipients stabilize their lives and find and keep jobs.

To assess how well this new system is serving recipients who have accessed OW/ODSP and EO since 2021, an independent study conducted by researchers at Toronto Metropolitan University is inviting individuals with these relevant experiences to participate in an anonymous survey.

By sharing such experiences, they’ll provide valuable information about what’s working well and what needs improvement. This research study could help improve services offered by OW/ODSP and EO, especially during these challenging economic times. 

Information about the study, the research team, participant rights, and additional details are provided on the first page of the survey, before consent is given and the survey officially starts.