The Family Early Intervention Program (FEIP), delivered by Haldimand-Norfolk R.E.A.C.H., is an early intervention program for any child up to age 12 who is at risk for developmental delays. Additional programming or support can be provided at no cost to the family if required to integrate a child with special needs into a licensed child care centre or licensed home based caregiver. Integration ensures that every child, regardless of his or her ability, is able to attend and participate to his or her potential in a licensed child care program chosen by the parents.
Resource Consultants in the program provide:
- Families with the information and skills necessary to choose services that meet their child’s special needs
- Families with the opportunities for ongoing education and involvement with their child’s program
- On-going support to the child care teachers/facilitators involved with the child
- Assistance with the child’s transition to school
- Reviews and evaluations of the services the family is using based on their need
Referrals to the program are accepted from families, child care centres, pre-school programs, medical professionals and any community agency within Haldimand or Norfolk Counties.
Find out more information about the Family Early Intervention Program.