• Norfolk: 519-426-6170 or 519-582-3579 | Haldimand: 905-318-6623
Employment Services at Ontario Works are being improved to ensure seamless local supports for people who are looking for work.
Skills building,  job readiness, and support for job-seekers will all be available through Employment Ontario effective January 2021.
  • Employment Ontario has teamed up with Community Career and Employment Services, the Caledonia Employment Centre and the Dunnville Employment Centre to assist people along their path to employment.
  • They can put you in touch with a number of organizations who are ready to help and have great connections to the local job market.
  • If you are not currently employed, your caseworker may contact you about things you need to be ready for work.  They may also talk about any employment activities, like training or job searching, you may be doing.


Are you interested in Employment Services?

Contact your caseworker to learn more, and for updates on how services will be changing in January.
If you are involved in Employment Assistance through Ontario Works, you will continue to have access to lots of supports in your area.
Your  caseworker will contact you to let you know about any changes.